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Filaments and Assembly

Assembly of filamentous proteins is needed for the cytoskeleton, cell motility and macromolecular structures like flagella and hair. 

These models slot together from either side to allow students to assemble flagella filaments themselves.

We have used these models to describe:

  • Intermolecular forces allowing protein quaternary structure

  • Macromolecular flexibility

  • Filament assembly

  • Filament capping

Where's the data?

Want to know if using 3D models is effective? We did too. Check out our peer-reviewed publication here.

The Models


Two models

  • Flagella filament base model

  • Flagellin monomer model

All model files provided are to scale and are models of the flagella filament surface. Use caution when printing from .stl files, which are dimensionless. 

For classroom purposes, we recommend printing in two colors, then mixing and matching as pictured.


Model design: Brandon Lasalle


Flagella Filament Base

Printable File Downloads

Opens a UNL Digital Commons page with download files at the bottom. Two versions available: .blend and .stl

Note that these models were designed to be printed on an SLS printer. Printers with support material may also work. 

Print Filament Base at Shapeways

No 3D printer? Print models with a professional service, they ship to your door.

Model design: Brandon Lasalle


Flagellin monomer

Printable File Downloads

Opens a UNL Digital Commons page with download files at the bottom. Two versions available: .blend and .stl

Note that these models were designed to be printed on an SLS printer. Printers with support material may also work. 

Print Flagellin monomer at Shapeways

No 3D printer? Print models with a professional service, they ship to your door.

Model design: Brandon Lasalle

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